The O.C. is an American teen drama television series that originally aired on the Fox television network in the United States from August 5, 2003, to February 21, 2007, running a total of four seasons. The series, created by Josh Schwartz, portrays the fictional lives of a group of teenagers and their families residing in the affluent seaside community of Newport Beach, in Orange County, California.
The city of Orange County, California, is an ideal paradise: a wealthy community where everything seems perfect. But underneath it is a world of change of loyalties and identities, adolescents living secret lives hidden from their parents, and parents living secret lives hidden from their children. It all begins when Ryan (Benjamin McKenzie) moves to OC because Sandy Cohen (Peter Gallagher), an idealistic defense attorney, prevented him from going to jail, and due to his own identification with Ryan , invites him to spend some time at home. Initially, his arrival was not well accepted by Kirsten, who at first did not understand why her husband brought a minor "offenders" to the family home. Despite her fear, her main concern was with her only son Seth, who could end up being influenced by Ryan. After his arrival, the city of Newport Beach was never the same, much confusion, drama, highs and lows governing the entire series during its four years of display.
To make the situation a little more interesting, there is Marissa Cooper (Mischa Barton), the beautiful girl who lives next door, which apparently can cope well with life's difficulties. But that changes when her millionaire father, Jimmy (Tate Donovan) threaten to crush her world. "THE O.C." is a story about fathers and sons, husbands and wives, and the arrival of three teenagers for adulthood. Ryan's arrival is the catalyst for new alliances to be formed, old novels that return to the surface, and the emergence of unexpected friendships.
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