Shameless is an American television Dramedy series that airs on Showtime. It is a remake of the award-winning British series of the same name broadcast on Channel 4. The series is set in Chicago's South Side Canaryville neighborhood, although it is filmed in South Lawndale, Chicago and Burbank, California at Warner Bros. Studios. The series premiered on January 9, 2011.
Shameless (United States) tells the story of the Gallaghers, a working class family from Chicago who must deal with the economic crisis U.S..Frank Gallagher(William H. Macy) is an alcoholic, father of six children, married to a woman who left him for another woman. The union of all depends on her daughter Fiona(Emmy Rossum), 18 year old girl who is torn between taking care of five brothers and sisters, trying to keep his father sober and still find a way to follow your own path.
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