Modern Family is an American television comedy series created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan that debuted on ABC on September 23, 2009. Lloyd and Levitan are showrunners and executive producers under their Levitan-Lloyd Productions label.
Acclaimed series that chronicles the lives of Jay Pritchett (Ed O'Neill) and his family, consisting of his wife (much younger) Gloria Delgado (Sofia Vergara) and his son Manny, and also shows the lives of other two related families. His daughter is an insecure housewife, mother of two children and a pre-teen, but whose husband (Phil, played by Ty Burrell), the crisis of middle age, is the real baby of the family. Mitchell is now a lawyer and gay face, who travels to Vietnam to adopt a baby next partner, the affected Cameron (the great Eric Stonestreet).
One good thing about "Modern family" is the format: the series is a fake documentary ("mockumentary"), like "The Office". A camera follows the actors, but not enough to interact with them.
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