American Horror Story is a horror-drama television series created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk.The series is broadcast on the cable television channel FX in the United States. It premiered on October 5, 2011, and has completed its first season. In late-October 2011, FX announced that the series had been renewed for a second season consisting of 13 episodes that may be extended.
The series tells the story of Ben Harmon, a therapist, played by Dylan McDermott (The Practice), and his wife Vivien, the role lived by Connie Britton (Friday Night Lights), which after undergoing an abortion and a betrayal, they decide to give a second chance to their marriage. Trying to abandon the past for good, the couple left Boston with her daughter Violet (Taissa Farmiga), and moved to Los Angeles. But what they find has nothing to do with the expected Hollywood glamor. Instead, the family is obliged to live with strange neighbors. On top of that, bizarre events that will reveal the dark past of their new home.
Soon as they move immediately engage with strange characters that are part of the place. Among them, Moira O'Hara, the housekeeper, who is seen by each as two different people. It also has Constance, a nosy neighbor, and the weird Larry. To the despair of his father, Violet becomes involved with Tate, one of his patients, that he believes he has homicidal tendencies.
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