sábado, 21 de julho de 2012


Entourage is an American comedy-drama television series that premiered on HBO on July 18, 2004 and concluded on September 11, 2011, after eight seasons. Mark Wahlberg and Stephen Levinson served as the show's executive producers, and its premise is loosely based on Wahlberg's experiences as an up-and-coming film star.

Comedy headed by Kevin Connolly. Stars and cameos from stars like Jessica Alba, Luke Wilson, Val Kilmer, Sarah Silverman, Gary Busey, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Foster and Scarlett Johansson, among others.

The series shows the life of an actor on the rise New Yorker who moves to Hollywood alongside his group of childhood friends. In the cast are young Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon and Jerry Ferrara and Jeremy Piven also (Cupid), who was nominated for Golden Globe for best supporting actor in a comedy for the series.

If your best friend becomes a Hollywood star, there's only one thing to do: join his entourage. Meet Eric, Turtle and Johnny Drama, three guys who came straight from the borough of Queens in New York to help his friend Vincent Chase to support an extremely busy day-to-day Hollywood, where sex, parties and business impose their own rules .

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