quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012


The series created by Tim Kring (creator of Heroes) revolves around Martin Bohm (Sutherland), a former journalist who lost his wife in the attacks of September 11 and is tormented by his inability to communicate with his son moved Jake (David Mazouz). But everything changes when Martin discovers that his son has a gift as startling as the coolant, can predict events before they happen.

Touch is a great puzzle that begins to be mounted from the first episode, when a series of phone numbers will connect people in different parts of the world and close to the life of Jake and Martin . In seeking a logical explanation for the behavior of the child, who is writing the numbers, but does not let anyone touch, Martin knows the professor Arthur Dewitt, played by Danny Glover. Arthur says that Jake is a boy ahead of his time, who knows the universe without express themselves about it, but that, through mathematics, you know what can happen between now and the future.

In the first episode, Martin discovers that the numbers that the boy obsessively writes in a notebook has a meaning. Plus, he has the power to predict the future. Martin concludes that his mission is to "follow the road," pointing to the boy. That's because Jake provides potential tragedies that can be avoided by correct interpretation of the numbers.

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