sábado, 21 de julho de 2012

Lie to Me

Lie to Me is an American drama, crime, police procedural and comedy-drama television series that originally ran on the Fox network from January 21, 2009 to January 31, 2011. Created by Samuel Baum, in which, the character Dr. Cal Lightman is based on Paul Ekman, notable psychologist and expert on body language and facial expressions.


Dr. Cal Lightman. Cal is a scientist fascinated by his profession and with his partner and friend Gillian Foster, unmasks cases and detect fraud by analyzing the body language and facial expressions micro. They are ahead of the Lightman Group, which still rely on the presence of Eli locker, a researcher extremely frank, Ria Torres, a woman with a natural talent for detecting lies and Ben Reynolds, an FBI agent who will assist in investigations.

The series brings the investigations of a team of experts at detecting lies. The minimum expressions and gestures are interpreted by those behavioral scientists who provide their services to various organizations such as the FBI, police, private companies or even individuals who are willing to discover the truth that someone might be hiding.

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