The Office is an American comedy television series broadcast by NBC. It is an adaptation of the previous BBC series of the same name. The Office was adapted for American audiences by Greg Daniels, a veteran writer for Saturday Night Live, King of the Hill, and The Simpsons. It is co-produced by Daniels' Deedle-Dee Productions, and Shine America, in association with Universal Television. Originally presented in the United States by NBC from March 24, 2005. The show sets up a new genre known as the humorous "mockumentary", that is, a comedy that simulates a documentary, but which in reality is nothing but a fiction.
The history of the series revolves around the daily lives of employees of a factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania, a fictional paper company called Dunder Miffin, in which Michael Scott (Steve Carell), the regional manager of the company,with unshaken enthusiasm, believes he's the funniest guy in the office and is the source of the wisdom of business. Without knowing how he is seen by its employees, Michael has just always alternating decisions absurd or pathetic but always hilarious.
Also with Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer), a friendly receptionist who tolerates Michael. Some of the best moments are the conversations she has with the sales rep Jim Halpert (John Krasinski),with Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson), the arrogant assistant, and with adjuvant Ryan Howard that was initially a temporary worker in the office in Scranton, but then promoted to vice president of a regional branch and becomes Michael's boss, but due to his envolvement into a fraud, he is fired back to be a temporary worker in Scranton branch.
In the accounting department has the nervous Angela Martin, who likes to keep things in order and is always serious, while doing some work in secret with Dwight. Has Kevin Malone,that lives having fun with his juvenile humor, besides being addicted to game. Oscar Martinez is a shy gay chosen by Michael for his jokes. Out of office works the seller Stanley Hudson, among others.
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