Prison Break is an American television serial drama created by Paul Scheuring, that was broadcast on the Fox Broadcasting Company, from 2005 until 2009 The series was produced by Adelstein-Parouse Productions, in association with Original Television and 20th Century Fox Television. Along with creator Paul Scheuring, the series is executive produced by Matt Olmstead, Kevin Hooks, Marty Adelstein, Dawn Parouse, Neal H. Moritz, and Brett Ratner. The show revolves around two brothers, one sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and the other, a genius who invents an audacious plan to help his brother escape from prison.
The first season shows Burrow Lincoln (Dominic Purcell) on death row ready to be executed in a few months after his conviction for a murder that his brother Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) is convinced that he was not committed by him. Since then Michael robs a bank in order to serve his sentence close to his brother, in order to get him out of there and prove his innocence. He also tattooed his body with plants from prison and once inside begins his plan to free his brother.
With the help of his cellmate, Fernando Sucre (Amaury Nolasco), Michael begins to get along with various prisoners, including former mob boss John Abruzzi (Peter Stormare, "Minority Report") and Charles Westmoreland (Muse Watson, "I know What You Did Last Summer"), a man who many believe is the notorious thief DB Cooper. On the outside Michael has only one ally, his defense attorney and longtime friend Veronica Donovan (Robin Tunney, "End of Days") - which is also the former girlfriend of Lincoln.
Among other characters, are also Dr. Sara Tancredi, for whom Michael ends up falling in love, the officer Brad Bellick, who is determined to watch his new prisoner, and Henry Pope, the head of Fox River Penitentiary, with whom Michael pretends have a close relationship.
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