terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2012


Community is an American television comedy series created by Dan Harmon that premiered on September 17, 2009 on NBC. The series has completed three seasons and has been renewed by NBC for a fourth season of 13 episodes.

The series is about a group of misfits who study at Greendale Community College. The leader of the group is Jeff Winger, a lawyer who lost his license and now need to study in order to exercise again. With the help of his classmates, Winger forms a study group of Spanish that together they discover more about themselves than about the studies. 

In this group are present Britta, a blonde who has nothing stupid, just was slow to decide on going to college and put his life on track, Troy, a former football star trying to find a new path, Abed, a Palestinian-American , addicted to pop culture and film and television, which compares any detail to a situation of some movie or TV series. 

Also participate, Pierce,  an entrepreneur, former hippie whose life experience has brought him great wisdom, Shirley, a middle-aged divorcee very daring who abdicated her life to raising children and decides to fulfill her dream, Annie, a former addict drugs that is passionate about Troy since high school. To complete the core is the Lord Chang, the eccentric Spanish teacher. 

Other characters are also figures essential for the proper functioning of the plot as the hilarious Craig Dean, Students Star-Burns, Leonard and Vaughn, in addition to several special guests that the series has had as Jack Black and Owen Wilson.

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